SSH Everything
I have collected some interesting and not such obvious SSH features in the post below. Some are simple, another complex - but all of them were useful in my daily practice. Enjoy!
For adding SSH keys to remote system use command ssh-copy-id
automates a procedure of adding a key to remote .ssh/authroized_keys
Regular ssh uses direct TTY access to make sure the password is entered by an interactive keyboard input. Sshpass runs ssh in a dedicated tty, foolling it into thinking it is getting the password in interactive way.
sshpass -pMy.Password ssh bastion
ssh_config and known_hosts¶
OpenSSH deprecated DSA keys¶
Some time ago OpenSSH deprecated DSA keys.
If you still want to use it, add PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss
to ssh_config file.
OpenSSH hashes known_hosts names¶
It looks like despite what the manual says, the default now
(OpenSSH 7.2p2) is “yes”. It results in unreadable hosts
names in known_hosts
file. So usually I expect it to look
like it:
myserver4, ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAIgmj+TuTQbfvrhNzYLY+4d4DW+xq
But with HashKnownHosts
default to yes
I have this instead:
|1|SuF6AQaEqk97eWxjfsSDuTTEk8E=|Qc/Ln0XgjYn4osmXz2TYkA6SwNA= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1
Because of it I needed explicitely say I do not need hashing known hosts:
HashKnownHosts No
The HostKeyAlias
also applies to known_hosts
. When there is no matching DNS
record, I am aliasing hosts using Host
directive and HostName
to refer
to real host name or IP address like below:
Host bastion
User jurek
ProxyCommand corkscrew 80 %h %p ~/.ssh/passwords
With such the configuration the server key gets stored in known_hosts
the entry specified with HostName
directive, thus it will be
. To make it more meaningful, lets add HostKeyAlias
directive and its argument will be now used to save server keys and
searched in known_hosts
during the connection phase.
Host bastion
HostKeyAlias bastion
User jurek
ProxyCommand corkscrew 80 %h %p ~/.ssh/passwords
The corkcrew
command is actually behind scope of the task but for the note
let me say it allows going through authenticated HTTP NTLM proxy.
There are also other options like using cntlm
transparent proxy for this
Removing a particular host from known_hosts¶
ssh-keygen -R hostname
Above solution found here.
Host key gets changed over and over¶
In a situation when you are connecting a remote host which gets reinstalled
and its host key gets regenerated, ssh
drops a warning the remote host
identification gets changed:
The RSA host key for has changed,
and the key for the corresponding IP address
is unchanged. This could either mean that
DNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the host
and its host key have changed at the same time.
Offending key for IP in /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts:6
Sometimes it is actually expected. In such the case I can force
ssh to avoid adding a volatile key to the ssh_keys
, replacing its
location by /dev/null
: UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
, and
allowing connections to hosts without maching host keys:
Host bastion
HostKeyAlias bastion
User jurek
ProxyCommand corkscrew 80 %h %p ~/.ssh/passwords
Subjects mentioned so far were just small useful tricks. Using SSH with multihops can be a big thing.
Multihop allows to manage limitations of the network. Usually it happens because the only points connecting the external world with our network are HTTP proxy or bastion hosts, so direct SSH connection to a host outside of the internal network is not possible.
However SSH tools are smart enough to overcome restrictions mentioned. Keep reading.
Scenario 1: HTTP proxy + bastion host¶
+---------+ +------------+ +---------+ +--------+
| laptop |--->| HTTP proxy |--->| bastion |-->| target |
+---------+ | NTLM auth | | host | | host |
+------------+ +---------+ +--------+
Scenario like above occurs when I try to connect from an internal network, through NTLM authenticated HTTP proxy to AWS target host which is behind some bastion host.
Dealing with HTTP proxy first¶
Going through the HTTP proxy needs a configuration which has been already mentioned:
Host bastion
HostKeyAlias bastion
User jurek
ProxyCommand corkscrew 80 %h %p ~/.ssh/proxypass
ServerAliveInterval 60
The corkscrew
allows going over NTLM authenticated HTTP proxy. Each time the
target is bastion, above configuration applies automatically and calls
, authenticates at HTTP proxy and reaches the bastion host through
Easy Approach¶
It is the most straightforward way, do ssh to first host, then continue connection to another in just one line:
ssh -t bastion ssh -i KEY.pem ec2-user@target
Without a pseudo-TTY allocated (-t
option) you will not be able to enter an
interactive ssh session. The pseudo-TTY is not required for a single-run, no
keyboard input command (like ssh bastion ls
) but is a prerequisite for an
interactive ssh.
Because the second ssh runs at the bastion, the private key file KEY.pem
required to access target EC2, needs to be copied to the bastion before.
With the changes in ~/.ssh/config
I am able to reach the target
one liner ssh.
Sophisticated Way¶
The Easy Approach is enough for ad-hoc connections but also tiresome for daily operations. For a regular access through multi-hops I would ideally had a simple version of ssh with an alias host.
ProxyCommand Magic
You have seen the ProxyCommand
already with the corkscrew
From the documentation:
Specifies the command to use to connect to the server. […]
The command can be basically anything, and should read from its standard
input and write to its standard output. It should eventually connect an
sshd server running on some machine. […]
any occurrence of ‘%h’ will be substituted by the host name to connect,
‘%p’ by the port, and ‘%r’ by remote user name
Let’s analyze an example:
(1) (2)
ssh -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -xaq hophost nc %h 22' ec2-user@target
The ssh (1) uses another, inner ssh (2) to connect to hophost
host first
(ssh -xaq hophost
). The inner ssh (2) runs nc target 22
which connects
to the target:22
and now all standard input/output are now redirected to
port 22 of the target
. And it does the trick.
The outer ssh (1) performs the SSH protocol over the standard input/output
instead of TCP/IP (effectively ignoring the target
, using the username only)
and proceeds with the authentication.
Lets prove it and run it without a hostname, providing the target
to nc
ssh -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -xaq hophost nc target 22' ec2-user@
You will find it working. What is worthy of note - the authentication key
does not need nor can be located at the hophost
It is the netcat (nc) which opens the connection and it is the outer ssh (1)
which does the authentication. The outer ssh runs at its own node, not at the
Instead of using the netcat, the latest versions of ssh have its own solution
of forwarding the standard i/o to given port. It is -W host:port
So here is a counterpart of the netcat version:
ssh -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:22 hophost' ec2-user@target
Looks simpler. In a similar way the authentication throuth an NTLM proxy works.
You have the corkscrew
option for that purpose.
Now how to set it up in a nice way? With the first scenario you have already put
a magic proxy in the user ~/.ssh/config
file. Whenever you ssh to bastion,
it runs the proxy corkscrew, authenticates through your HTTP NTLM proxy and
setup SSH connection over it. It just matches the hostname (after the Host
directive you may use multiple names or even matching patterns).
I specified the ProxyCommand
above with the -o
flag. But the more
appropriate place to specify it is the ~/.ssh/config
Because you are free to setup another ~/.ssh/config
at the bastion host,
and the next one, and another… this way you may involve multiple proxies
to work your way to the target node automatically. So instead of
specifing a chain of ssh, you can ssh1 directly to aws target node, ssh1
based on its config will run a proxy ssh2 which connects to bastion first.
The ssh2 to bastion will be handled by another rule which uses its own
proxy (corkscrew
or nc
) to skip over HTTP proxy and get connected to
bastion. The ssh1 will work over this connection to the target host.
Complete multihop solution¶
Contents of ~/config/.ssh
Host bastion
HostKeyAlias bastion
User mybastionuser
ProxyCommand corkscrew 80 %h %p ~/.ssh/proxyauth
ServerAliveInterval 60
Host awstarget
HostKeyAlias awstarget
User ec2-user
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion
When I invoke ssh bastion
, it automatically connects to it using corkscrew
over HTTP proxy. This is straightforward and I had it working already. However
when I call ssh awstarget
it chaines proxycommand with ssh bastion
(which uses corkscrew
and so on). This is great - a simple and clean ssh
Final test:
jurek@ub16a|2106(master)$ ssh -i myAWSkey.pem awstarget
Warning: Permanently added 'bastion' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last failed login: Thu Mar 22 12:29:05 EDT 2018 from ip-10-110-50-197.ec2.internal on ssh:notty
There were 2 failed login attempts since the last successful login.
Last login: Thu Mar 22 12:25:02 2018 from ip-10-110-50-197.ec2.internal
[ec2-user@ip-10-10-35-17 ~]$
Scenario 2: Connect a Database available from 2nd host¶
Another real life scenario: Multi-tier networks with a few connecting points.
I have Oracle RAC database which I want connect to, but since I cannot
connect to it directly, I have to SSH from my home node (home
) to a jump host
first (jump
), then from the jump
to an application host (app
) and only
then I can reach the database which runs at its database server (oradb
). It
is not an AWS example but it could be similar. No HTTP proxy here. It is all
about tunneling a port at localhost to another port at remote node.
+-------+ +---------+ +---------+ | SCAN1 | VIP1 |
| home |--->| jump |--->| app |-->| oradb SCAN2 +------+
| | | :22 ssh | | :22 ssh | | :1521 SCAN3 | VIP2 |
+-------+ +---------+ +---------+ +------------ +------+
Oracle Oddities¶
We have two nodes between us and the database we are interested in. It already looks complicated. But it is even more complex because of the RAC’s configuration which is a nightmare. First, the RAC usually exposes SCAN round-robin DNS address. SCAN makes hacker’s life complicated. SCAN is a kind of dispatcher which takes the incoming traffic and redirects it further to another Virtual IP (VIP). And there can be a few of them depending on the cluster size. What a headache! How overcome it?
My solution? Skip the SCAN completly. Use the VIP only. Connect to VIP directly. Test it first. Forward a single VIP, skip the SCAN.
How to find the VIP and the proper VIP? Yes, not all of them might work. Getting the VIP is tricky and boring - it is SCAN role to give you a proper VIP. But in real life of a developer once you pick a proper one it rarely changes. Ask your DBA to help you. Ask him to be smart because some VIPs are not appropriate for singleton services. Use uniform services instead (which usually are exposed on all VIPs) when you can.
Facing the challenge¶
Port 9999 used in the example here is just an example, you may use another not
occupied TCP port or even randomly picking one. The command below runs
at home
and opens port 9999 at localhost interface as the tunel entry, then
it connects to jump
host and attaches the other end of the tunel to jump’s
localhost interface, port 9999.
It makes no sense until something listens on port 9999 of localhost interface
at jump
host. Nothing does so far. This is why - once again - another ssh
runs at the jump
host, attaches a new, second tunel entry to port 9999 of
localhost (effectively gluing both tunels together), then the second ssh
connects the app
host and redirects the end of the second tunel out of the
reaching directly to port 1521 of the remote host oradb
’s VIP. An
oracle server is expecting to listen there.
The chain of tunels described above is represented by the following command:
ssh -tL 9999:localhost:9999 jump ssh -L 9999:oradb-vip1:1521 app
Now connecting to the target database is a simple as issuing:
sqlplus scott/tiger@//localhost:9999/service_name
Voila! It will work.
- SSH throush multiple hosts using ProxyCommand
- Transparent MultiHop
- ProxyCommand use for multiple hops
- ProxyCommand passing through one host
- SSH Agent Forwarding
- scp files via intermediate host
- Generating random numbers in bash
Other Links¶
SSH + Python¶
Paramiko is Python implementation of SSHv2 protocol for
both client and server. Supports parsing of regular OpenSSH config files,
in particular ssh_config
and known_hosts
. It is able to use
ProxyCommand ssh feature.
Basic ad-hoc VPN with SSH is easy to acomplish. Read this superuser post and documentation about sshuttle which is a kind of framework in Python to forward selected networks to remote nodes.