Quick Info

  1. :digraph - shows table with digraphs. Digraphs work by pressing CTRL-K and a two-letter combination while in insert mode.

Frequently Used Digraphs

  1. DG (Degree Sign): °
  2. oC (Celcius Degree) ⇒ ℃ , oF (Fahrenheit) ⇒ ℉
  3. Eu (Euro): €
  4. Greek letters follow pattern with an astrisk: a*, b*, g*, D*, H*, L*, *t, *w, *W : α,β,γ, Δ, Θ, Λ, τ, ω, Ω
  5. Ohm sign: Om -> Ω, Micro sign: My ⇒ µ
  6. Registered: Rg ⇒ ®, Copyright: Co ⇒ ©
  7. Fractions follow pattern: 12 13 14 34 ⇒ ½ ⅓ ¼ ¾
  8. Superscript: 0S 1S 2S 3S… ⇒ 10⁰ 10¹ 10² 10³
  9. Superscript: +S -S =S (S )S nS ⇒ 10⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾
  10. Subscript: 0s 1s 2s +s -s =s (s )s ⇒ 10₍₂₅₎
  11. Capital Romans: 1R-9R aR-cR ⇒ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ
  12. Small Romans: 1r-9r ar-cr ⇒ ⅰ-ⅸ ⅹ-ⅻ
  13. Arrows: <- ← -> → -!↑ -v↓ <>↔ =>⇒ <=⇐ ==⇔
  14. Arrows: << « >> »

    In Markdown there is an automatic replacement of double << into « and accordingly >> into ». Literal >> requires a backslash or HTML ampersand convention.

  15. Set operators: For All: FA ⇒ ∀, There Exists TE⇒ ∃, Empty Set /0 ⇒ ∅
  16. Minus or Plus: -+ ⇒ ∓
  17. Bullet: Sb ∙ Ring: Ob ∘ RT Square Root RT √ times X* ×
  18. Infinity: 00 ∞ Right Angle: -L ∟ Angle -V ∠
  19. AND & OR: AN ∧ OR ∨
  20. Identical =3 ≡ , Not Equal: != ≠ , Less Greater =< ≤ >= ≥
  21. Male Female: Ml ♂ Fm ♀
  22. Music notes: Md ♩ M8 ♪ M2 ♫ Mb ♭ Mx ♮ MX ♯
  23. OK ✓ XX✗ -X ✠

A list of useful articles on entering special characters in vim:

  1. http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Entering_special_characters